New Feats
Combat Feats
Old Master
Your expertise has only grown with age. The advantages of a full life have yielded spectacular results.
Prerequisite(s): Old age or older
Benefit(s): Whenever a combat feat asks for you to use your Intelligence or Charisma modifier for an ability, you may instead use your Wisdom modifier.
Ritual Caster
Arcane and Divine magics come with their own vast arrays of benefits, however you dip your hands into the realm of the Occult for the same reason all others do; Power.
Prerequisite(s): Ability to cast spells or access to Spell-Like abilities
Benefit(s): You may apply the concepts of Binding Vows to your Arcane or Divine spellcasting, or any Spell-Like ability you possess. The Arcane and Divine spells function as if they were Occult spells, and Spell-Like abilities function as if they were Occult spells with a spell level equal to half of your total number of Hit Dice.
Warrior of Legend
Prerequisite(s): BAB +16
Benefit(s): You may transcribe your knowledge of combat into writing. Any creatures that read your tome gain a +2 insight bonus on all attack rolls made while applying your teachings. You gain a +8 insight bonus to AC against any creatures applying your teachings in combat. Additionally, you cease to age so long as one copy of your teachings exists.
Special: A creature with levels in a class that grants spellcasting cannot take this feat.
Crafting Feats
Distill Enchantment
Prerequisite(s): CL 5, At least 2 crafting feats
Benefit(s): A character with this feat may separate out certain abilities from magic items and store them within scrolls or other magic foci. When stored in this fashion the magical abilities become useless unless used in crafting a new magic item, at which point you may apply that magical ability to the new item. The process of extraction takes 8 full hours of work.
Hybrid Crafter
Prerequisite(s): CL 9, At least 4 crafting feats
Benefit(s): A character with this feat may make Hybrid items, combining the magical effects of multiple magic items of the same type (or equipment slot) into a singular item. The base cost of a Hybrid item is equal to the sum of the base cost of each item, with an additional 50% fee added to the sum. If you are combining existing items then you may subtract their base costs from the final cost calculated with the aforementioned formula.
Religious Feats
Divine Fury
You channel your anger into a more… destructive outlet.
Prerequisite(s): Smite Evil class feature, Rage class feature, Worshiper of Dalvor
Benefit(s): When simultaneously raging and smiting a creature, you may deal additional divine damage equal to your charisma modifier for every rage die you possess. If your rage or smite ends for any reason, the other ceases simultaneously and you are unable to utilize either for 1 round.
Outer-God Enlightenment
Your loyalty is rewarded
Prerequisite(s): Worshiper of Juno
Benefit(s): You gain two tentacles. Additionally, these tentacles may be treated as either whips or natural attacks appropriately sized for your character, whichever is more advantageous at the time of use.
Shinigami’s Blessing
You are a symbol of death, free from the laws that bind most reapers
Prerequisite(s): Weapon Focus (Scythe), Weapon Focus (any non-Scythe), Worshiper of Pythes
Benefit(s): When wielding a weapon you have the Weapon Focus feat for, and that weapon is not a Scythe, you may treat it as a Scythe for the purposes of Weapon Focus (Scythe).
Legendary Bloodline Feats
Heir to Rose Blood
The most striking feature of the Alluri is the vibrant pink complexion they all share. While variations of this shade are not uncommon, rarer still is red. The stories of red Alluri have been lost to time, the only remaining link to their existence is from the era of The Insurrection, and in reference to the long-forgotten House of Roses.
Prerequisite(s): Legendary Bloodline trait, Allurin
Benefit: The benefits of this feat scale with your Hit Dice
1 HD: Each time the Heir to Rose Blood engages in consensual intercourse, their Charisma Score increases by 1. This benefit can be gained once per partner. Additionally, the Heir becomes immune to Poison and Disease.
5 HD: The Heir to Rose Blood does not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver. Additionally the Heir uses their Charisma instead of their Strength or Dexterity for Grapple maneuvers. Furthermore, Pinning is a Free Action for the Heir.
10 HD: Whenever engaging in consensual intercourse, the Heir to Rose Blood may impart a gift upon one of their partners. This gift is a singular use of any ability the Heir possesses. This gift lasts until the benefactor decides to expend it, and uses the Heir's statistics to determine all numerical aspects of the gift. Additionally, the Heir gains Fast Healing equal to their Charisma Modifier for 24 hours after they have consensual intercourse.
15 HD: As a Standard Action, the Heir to Rose Blood may force any creature that can hear them to make a Will Save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha Mod). This is done by speaking a command word, which is any word of the Heir's choosing. If the creature succeeds their Will Save, they are not made aware that anything has transpired. If the creature fails their Will Save, the Heir may plant a command in their mind. This command is limited to a single action that the creature is to carry out. Any time after the failure of their Will Save, the command can be activated if the Heir speaks the command word to the target again.
20 HD: The Heir to Rose Blood may form binding pacts with other creatures. The terms of the pacts can be anything, and if both parties agree to the pact, then it is enforced with an esoteric ritual. Anything can be exchanged between the Heir and the other party, so long as both agree to the terms. The penalty to breaking any agreement made in the pact is a death. Pacts last until death by default, but this is a term that can be negotiated in the agreement. There is no limit to the number of pacts that the Heir may make. Only the Heir can voluntarily dissolve a pact without consequence.
25 HD: The Heir to Rose Blood may, as a Swift Action, make a Diplomacy Check. If this Diplomacy Check exceeds the target creature's Sense Motive Check, that creature's attitude becomes Helpful. Additionally, the Heir's charisma bonus is treated as Double against creatures that consider them attractive.
30 HD: The Heir to Rose Blood may enforce a pact upon a creature by force. The Heir sets the terms of the pact to limit the actions of the target, and so long as the Heir adheres to these limits, the target must as well. The Heir can only have one forced pact at a time, and can dismiss it at any time. Additionally, the Heir's Fast Healing from this feat becomes Regeneration, with no method of suppression.
Special: This feat must be taken at first level
Heir to Hive Blood
The being which changed the trajectory of the Starkin people forever, the Hive King is a figure of godlike power. Were he not consigned to the realm of legend, we would all likely be living beneath his heel.
Prerequisite(s): Legendary Bloodline trait, Starkin
Benefit: The benefits of this feat scale with your Hit Dice
1 HD: The Heir to Hive Blood gains the ability to consume the psyche of other creatures. They may make physical contact with a creature as a Standard Action and force them to make a Will Save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Heir's Hit Dice + the Heir's Intelligence Modifier). If the creature fails this save, their mental ability scores drop to zero, and their psyche is subsumed into the Heir's. When subsuming a creature's psyche, the Heir gains a permanent bonus to their Intelligence score equal to the Intelligence score of the subsumed creature. This ability only works on creatures whose Intelligence scores are greater than three. For each creature the Heir subsumes, they take a cumulative -1 penalty to their Will Saves.
5 HD: The Heir may choose to Bind a creature's psyche within their mindscape, this is done as a Full-Round Action requiring a Will Save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Heir's Hit Dice + the Heir's Intelligence Modifier). This ability has a range equal to a number of 5ft increments equal to the Heir's Intelligence Modifier. Once Bound the creature is considered thoughtform, and their body is rendered comatose. The thoughtform cannot escape unless allowed by the Heir. The Heir may only have one thoughtform bound at a time, and whenever releasing a thoughtform from being Bound, they are free to act as they wish, but may return to their corporeal body as an Immediate Action.
10 HD: Whenever subsuming a creature's psyche, the Heir gains a bonus to their Wisdom score equal to the creature's Wisdom score. They gain bonuses to their Wisdom score retroactively from previously consumed creatures as well.
15 HD: Binding a creature within the Heir's mindscape now only requires a Standard Action, and the Heir may add their Wisdom Modifier to the DC of the Will Save required to resist this ability.
20 HD: Whenever subsuming a creature's psyche, the Heir gains a bonus to their Charisma score equal to the creature's Charisma score. They gain bonuses to their Charisma score retroactively from previously consumed creatures as well.
25 HD: Binding a creature within the Heir's mindscape now only requires a Swift or Immediate Action, and the Heir may add their Charisma Modifier to the DC of the Will Save required to resist this ability.
30 HD: Whenever subsuming a creature's psyche, the Heir gains a bonus to their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores equal to the creature's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores respectively. They gain bonuses to their Physical Ability scores retroactively from previously consumed creatures as well. Additionally, there is no longer a save allowed for a creature to resist being Bound within the Heir's mindscape. Furthermore, the Heir gains access to any abilities possessed by the Bound creature and may use them with either their own Ability Score Modifiers or the Bound creature's.
Special: This feat must be taken at first level
Heir to Star Blood
The fundamental connection that Lumari hold with this world is the subject of much academic study and intense spiritual reverence. There comes a point that this connection grows so powerful that the reverence turns to fear. Starblood, the only name afforded to the fell bloodline of old, pushes this connection to the absolute limits. Cutting directly to the core of reality, past connections of ley lines and elements, and taking hold of the forces that govern this world and twisting them to their whims.
Prerequisite(s): Legendary Bloodline trait, Lumara, Astral Blade 1
Benefit: The benefits of this feat scale with your Hit Dice
1 HD: Mass is the first of the primordial forces to come under the control of the Heir to Star Blood. The heir gains a Mass Die. The Mass Die begins as a d4. With a melee touch attack, the Heir may increase or reduce the effective size category of a target by manipulating their Mass Die. When decreasing the effective size of a target, their Mass Die increases by one step, to a maximum of a d20. When increasing the effective size of a target, their Mass Die decreases by one step, to a minimum of a d4. The Mass Die is returned to a d4 whenever the Heir takes a Long Rest.
5 HD: Velocity is quickly mastered by the Heir to Star blood, aiding in their ascent to power. Whenever receiving or dealing damage, the Heir may reduce that damage by an amount up to their number of Hit Dice. This damage is converted into Velocity Points. Velocity Points can be spent as a nonaction in order to increase or decrease incoming or outgoing damage. All unused Velocity Points are lost whenever the Heir takes a Long Rest.
10 HD: The Heir to Star Blood turns their focus to Acceleration, contorting yet another primordial force in their thrall. Whenever the Heir to Star Blood would reposition a creature, or they themselves be forcibly repositioned by another creature, they may instead negate this movement and add the number of feet of movement that would have resulted to their Acceleration Point pool. Whenever the Heir repositions a target or themselves, as a nonaction they may increase the number of feet moved by an amount of Acceleration Points (rounding down to the nearest 5ft increment). All unused Acceleration Points are lost whenever the Heir takes a Long Rest.
15 HD: One of the most primordial forces falls into the hands of the Heir to Star Blood; Time. With a melee touch attack, the Heir may inflict the effects of Slow on a creature. This grants the heir a single Time point. Similarly, the Heir may expend a Time Point to grant the effects of Haste to one creature. The Heir uses their Hit Dice as their Caster Level for these effects. All unused Time Points are lost whenever the Heir takes a Long Rest.
20 HD: The Heir to Star Blood begins to increase the complexity of their connection, combining primordial forces in order to raise their power to another realm altogether. When making a successful attack, the Heir may roll their Mass Die and multiply the result by a number of Velocity Points of their choosing, and after the attack is resolved the subject of the attack is moved a number of feet in a direction of the Heir’s choosing equal to the result (rounding down to the nearest 5ft increment). This reduces the Heir’s Mass Die by one step, and expends the number of Velocity Points used.
25 HD: The Heir to Star Blood becomes capable of manipulating Force to their own ends. They may either manipulate the damage of an attack resolution they are involved in, rolling their Mass Die and multiplying the result by a number of Acceleration points of their choosing. They may either increase or reduce the damage of the attack as a nonaction, and must decide before rolling their Mass Die. Utilizing any of the abilities granted by Force reduces the Heir’s Mass Die by one step, and expends the number of Acceleration Points used.
30 HD: The Heir to Star Blood elevates their control of the world to an art form, finally mastering Density. The Heir may reduce the size of the Mass Die in order to avoid harm. Whenever the Heir is targeted with an attack, they may gain a miss chance based on the number of steps the Mass Die is reduced, 20% per step. Additionally, the results of Momentum, Force, and Density may be multiplied by any number of Time Points which the Heir chooses to expend.
Special: This feat must be taken at first level
Heir to Wolf Blood
There is a figure in Akohn folklore known as The White Wolf. The White Wolf is an Akohn known by two qualities; snow-white hair, and an infinite well of primal rage beneath the surface. In the tales that recount the existence of The White Wolf, nearly all end in carnage and bloodshed. It is even said that the might of The White Wolf was brought to bear in The Insurrection, its rage challenging even the Gods. Most Akohn sleep easy, though, believing that The White Wolf never existed.
Prerequisite(s): Legendary Bloodline trait, Akohn, Saiyan Warrior 1
Benefit: The benefits of this feat scale with your Hit Dice
1 HD: The Heir to Wolf Blood may add 1d6 to any Strength-Based d20 rolls they make. Additionally, they may enter a Primal Rage as a swift action. While in a Primal Rage, the Heir's AC becomes 10, and they gain DR/- equal to their Constitution Modifier. Furthermore, while in a Primal Rage, the additional dice they add to their Strength-Based d20 rolls are maximized.
5 HD: The Heir to Wolf Blood gains fast healing equal to their Constitution Modifier when they are not in a Primal Rage. Additionally, when in a Primal Rage, their DR/- is equal to their Strength and Constitution modifiers combined. Furthermore, the Heir may now add 2d6 to any Strength-Based d20 rolls they make.
10 HD: The Heir to Wolf blood is immune to nonlethal damage, death effects, stunning, critical hits, negative levels, and ability damage (but not ability drain). Additionally, whenever in a Primal Rage, the Heir may use their Fortitude Save in place of their Will Save. Furthermore, the Heir reduces the cost of enhancing their melee attacks with Ki by half. Lastly, the Heir may now add 3d6 to any Strength-Based d20 rolls they make.
15 HD: The Heir to Wolf Blood may add their additional dice to any damage they deal with a melee attack, adding their Strength Modifier to every additional die rolled. Additionally, whenever in a Primal Rage, the Heir radiates an effect similar to an Antimagic Field, using their Hit Dice as their Caster Level. Unlike a typical Antimagic Field, this does not suppress magical effects on themselves. Furthermore, the Heir may now add 4d6 to any Strength-Based d20 rolls they make.
20 HD: The Heir to Wolf Blood no longer suffers penalties from their Primal Rage. Additionally, they can be treated as both Raging and not Raging at any given time, whichever is more beneficial. Furthermore, whenever the Heir enhances their melee attacks with Ki, they may double the amount of bonus dice they add to their rolls from this feat. Lastly, the Heir may now add 5d6 to any Strength-Based d20 rolls they make.
25 HD: All dice rolled for The Heir to Wolf Blood's melee attacks are maximized. Additionally, the Heir ignores all Damage Reduction when making a melee attack. Furthermore, the Heir may now add 6d6 to any Strength-Based d20 rolls they make.
30 HD: All melee attacks made by the Heir to Wolf Blood are considered critical hits, and all numerical aspects of their melee damage are doubled. Additionally, enhancing their melee attacks with Ki can now be done with no cost. Furthermore, the Heir may now add 7d6 to any Strength-Based d20 rolls they make.
Special: This feat must be taken at first level
Racial Feats
Mixed Heritage (Alluri)
Prerequisite(s): Alluri
Benefit(s): Select another Race. The Alluri may act as this race when determining if they qualify for prerequisites for Feats, Classes, or other such features.
Special: This feat must be taken at first level
Zenkai (Akohn)
Prerequisite(s): Akohn
Benefit(s): Whenever a Akohn is reduced to negative hit points in a serious combative situation (Up to DM judgment) they gain a permanent +1 Untyped bonus to either their Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score (Player choice) once combat concludes and they are restored to a positive number of hit points.
General Feats
Extra Kromer
Prerequisite(s): Kromer class feature
Benefit(s): You gain 2 extra Kromer at the start of each day, and your maximum Kromer increases by 2.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.
Metaki Feats
Empowered Ki Blast
Prerequisite(s): Ki Attacks class feature
Benefit(s): All variable, numeric effects of an empowered power are increased by one-half. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected.
Special: Cost Increase +2
Knockdown Ki
Prerequisite(s): Ki Attacks class feature
Benefit(s): Knockdown Ki Attacks knock any creature caught in its area prone if the target fails its saving throw to avoid any or all of the damage of the Ki Attack. It can only be applied to Ki Attacks that allow Reflex saves and affect an area.
Special: Cost Increase +2
Maximized Ki
Prerequisite(s): Ki Attacks class feature
Benefit(s): All variable, numeric effects of a maximized Ki Attack are maximized. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected.
Special: Cost Increase +6
Metaki Power
Prerequisite(s): Ki Attacks class feature, one other Metaki feat
Benefit(s): The cost of modifying your chosen Ki Attack with your chosen Metaki feat is reduced by 2 power points (to a minimum extra cost of 0 power points). When you use your chosen Ki Attack with that Metaki feat, you must still obey any restrictions of that feat.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you must specify which Ki Attack it applies to, and which Metaki feat it is associated with.
Twin Ki
Prerequisite(s): Ki Attacks class feature
Benefit(s): Using a Ki Attack altered by this feat causes the blast to take effect twice on the target, as if you were simultaneously using the Ki Attack two times on the same location or target. Any variables in the attack (such as targets, shaping an area, and so on) apply to both of the resulting attacks. The target suffers all the effects of both attacks individually and receives a saving throw for each (if applicable).
Special: Cost Increase +8
Quicken Ki
Prerequisite(s): Ki Attacks class feature
Benefit(s): You may use a Ki Attack as a swift action.
Special: Cost Increase +6
Widen Ki
Prerequisite(s): Ki Attacks class feature
Benefit(s): Any numeric measurements of the Ki Attack’s area increase by 100%.
Special: Cost Increase +4
Metamagic Feats
Eternal Spell
Prerequisite(s): Ability to cast spells
Benefit(s): You can cause a spell effect to exist for an indefinite duration. The spell maintains safe proximity to the caster unless given instructions, at which point it will attempt to carry them out to the best of their ability. Level Increase: +5 (an eternal spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level).
Special: A spell slot used to cast an Eternal Spell is considered expended until the Eternal Spell is dispelled or dismissed.
Changes to Existing Feats
Combat Feats
Prerequisite(s): None
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+0: When your hit point total is below 0, but you are not dead, you automatically stabilize. You do not need to make a Constitution check each round to avoid losing additional hit points. You may choose to act as if you were disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn’t your turn). If you do not choose to act as if you were disabled, you immediately fall unconscious. When using this feat, you are staggered. You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous, including some swift actions, such as casting a quickened spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If your negative hit points are equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you immediately die.
+6: You now die when your negative hit points are equal to double your constitution score instead of at your constitution score. When using this feat you are now Exhausted instead of Staggered.
+9: You no longer take damage from performing strenuous actions when using this feat. Furthermore you are now Fatigued when using this feat instead of Exhausted.
+12: You now may act normally when using this feat with no penalty.
+16: You now die when your negative hit points are equal to triple your Constitution score.
+21: When you are below 0 hit points, you gain fast healing equal to your Constitution modifier. This fast healing can only restore you to 0 hit points, after which it ceases to function until you are reduced below 0 hit points again.
+30: You now die when your negative hit points are equal to your maximum hit points.
Dimensional Agility
You have been trained to use magical movement as part of your combat tactics
Prerequisite(s): Ability to use the Abundant Step or similar class features, or the ability to cast Dimension Door
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+0: After using Abundant Step, or casting Dimension Door, you can take any actions you still have remaining on your turn. You also gain a +4 bonus on Concentration checks when casting teleportation spells.
+3: As a full-round action, you use Abundant Step, or cast Dimension Door as a special charge. Doing so allows you to teleport up to double your current speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability) and to make the attack normally allowed on a charge.
+6: You can take a full-attack action, activating Abundant Step, or casting Dimension Door as a swift action. If you do, you can teleport up to twice your speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability), dividing this teleportation into increments you use before your first attack, between each attack, and after your last attack. You must teleport at least 5 feet each time you teleport.
+9: When teleporting before an attack by activating Abundant Step, or casting Dimension Door, you gain a +8 bonus on combat maneuver checks to bull rush, disarm, reposition, or trip an opponent.
+12: You provide flanking from all squares you attack from during a turn. Flanking starts from the moment you make an attack until the start of your next turn. Enemies are considered flat-footed against your attacks while using this feat.
+16: During the turn in which you have utilized this feat, enemy attacks have a 50% Miss Chance against you. Additionally, the distance you may teleport when using this feat is equal to the maximum distance allowed by the casting of the spell.
+21: If an enemy attack misses you due to your Miss Chance, they provoke an Attack of Opportunity. You may teleport as a Free Action to deliver this Attack of Opportunity. This movement counts towards your maximum allowed movement by this feat.
30: The amount of distance you may teleport when using this feat is unlimited. Furthermore, it is a nonaction to use Abundant Step or Dimension Door in conjunction with this feat.
Elemental Aptitude
You are attuned to the elemental magics of this reality
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: Select an elemental damage type from the following; Fire, Cold, Acid, or Electricity. All weapon attacks may deal an additional die of elemental damage of the selected damage type. Additionally whenever dealing damage with the selected elemental damage type, you may deal an additional +1 damage per die of elemental damage rolled.
+6: You gain an additional movement type based upon the elemental type you have selected. Fire grants you an additional 30ft climb speed. Cold grants you a 30ft swim speed. Acid grants you a 30ft burrow speed. Electricity grants you a 30ft fly speed. Additionally whenever dealing damage with the selected elemental damage type, you may now deal an additional +2 damage per die of elemental damage rolled and all weapon attacks may now deal two additional dice of elemental damage of the selected damage type.
+11: You gain immunity to your selected damage type. Additionally whenever dealing damage with the selected elemental damage type, you may now deal an additional +3 damage per die of elemental damage rolled and all weapon attacks may now deal three additional dice of elemental damage of the selected damage type.
+16: The movement speed you gain from this feat is doubled. Additionally, elemental damage dealt of the selected damage type bypasses resistances. Furthermore, whenever dealing damage with the selected elemental damage type, you may now deal an additional +4 damage per die of elemental damage rolled and all weapon attacks may now deal four additional dice of elemental damage of the selected damage type.
+21: Elemental damage dealt of the selected damage type bypasses immunity. Additionally whenever dealing damage with the selected elemental damage type, you may now deal an additional +5 damage per die of elemental damage rolled and all weapon attacks may now deal five additional dice of elemental damage of the selected damage type.
+26: You may radiate an aura of your selected elemental damage type, dealing the amount of typical damage you would add to a weapon attack to all within range, using d12’s, without a save. This aura may be activated and deactivated as a Free Action. Additionally whenever dealing damage with the selected elemental damage type, you may now deal an additional +6 damage per die of elemental damage rolled and all weapon attacks may now deal six additional dice of elemental damage of the selected damage type.
+30: When taking damage of your selected elemental type, you instead heal an amount equal to the elemental damage from that attack. Additionally whenever dealing damage with the selected elemental damage type, you may now deal an additional +7 damage per die of elemental damage rolled and all weapon attacks may now deal seven additional dice of elemental damage of the selected damage type.
You leverage your combat skill into defense rather than offense.
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit(s): Before making an attack roll, you may take an attack penalty of up to your BAB on this attack and all further attacks until your next turn, and gain an equal Dodge Bonus to AC. You may only use this option once per turn.
Power Attack
You leverage your combat skill into devastating attacks at the expense of accuracy.
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit(s): Before making an attack roll, you may voluntarily take an attack penalty of up to your BAB, and inflict two times that amount in extra damage with that attack. You may take this option on any or all of your attacks if you wish.
Special: When wielding a weapon in two hands, you may inflict additional damage equal to three times the voluntary penalty you take when attacking.
Shield Mastery
You are skilled at deflecting blows with your shield
Prerequisite(s): Shield Proficiency
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: Increase the AC bonus granted by any shield you are using by one fifth your BAB (minimum 1). If a character has a shield stowed on their back, they may gain the AC bonus without wielding it. This bonus can only be gained for a single shield
+6: You reduce the armor check penalty of any shield you are using by one half your BAB. Additionally, shields may impart the benefits of special material composition as if they were armor instead of weapons. Light Shields (such as bucklers or light wooden shields) count as light armor, Heavy Shields (such as heavy steel shields or snarlshields) count as medium armor, and Tower Shields count as Heavy Armor.
+11: Your shield may block attacks as a nonaction. This can be performed a number of times per day equal to your total Shield Bonus to AC.
+16: You can throw your shield, performing any combat maneuver with a range increment of 60’.
+21: So long as you are wielding a shield, you are always considered to have Improved Cover (+8 to AC, +4 to Reflex Saves, +10 to Stealth Checks, Improved Evasion, and Immunity to Attacks of Opportunity).
+26: Your Shield bonus to AC applies against Touch Attacks.
+30: When taking a Total Defense action, you may become Immune to all damage until the beginning of your next turn.
You have enhanced physical stamina
Prerequisite(s): None
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+0: You gain +1 hit point whenever you gain a Hit Die.
+1: You now gain +2 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die.
+6: You now gain +3 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die.
+11: You now gain +4 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die.
+16: You now gain +5 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die.
+21: You now gain +6 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die.
+26: You now gain +7 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die.
+30: You now gain +8 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die.
Two Weapon Fighting
When armed with two weapons, you fight with two weapons rather than picking and choosing and fighting with only one. Kind of obvious in retrospect
Prerequisite(s): None
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+0: You suffer no penalty for doing things with your off-hand. When you make an attack or full-attack action, you may make a number of attacks with your off-hand weapon equal to the number of attacks you are afforded with your primary weapon. Off-hand weapons only deal half your Strength bonus in damage.
+1: While armed with two weapons, you gain an extra Attack of Opportunity each round for each attack you would normally be allowed, these extra attacks of opportunity must be made with your off-hand.
+6: You gain a +2 to your Shield Bonus to your armor class when fighting with two weapons.
+11: You may Feint as a Swift action while fighting with two weapons.
+16: While fighting with two weapons you may add the enhancement bonus of either your primary or your off-hand weapon to your Shield Bonus to AC.
Vital Strike
You make a single attack that deals significantly more damage than normal
Prerequisite(s): BAB +6
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+6: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses. Vital Strike attacks deal an additional one point of damage per die. In addition the critical modifier of the weapon used in the Vital Strike is doubled. Any critical hits made with a Vital Strike attack deals 2d6 Con damage.
+11: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack three times and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses. Vital Strike attacks deal an additional two points of damage per die. In addition the critical modifier of the weapon used in the Vital Strike is tripled. Any critical hits made with a Vital Strike attack deals 3d6 Con damage.
+16: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack four times and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. Vital Strike attacks deal an additional three points of damage per die. In addition the critical modifier of the weapon used in the Vital Strike is quadrupled. Any critical hits made with a Vital Strike attack deals 4d6 Con damage.
+21: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack five times and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses. Vital Strike attacks deal an additional five points of damage per die. In addition the critical modifier of the weapon used in the Vital Strike is quintupled. Any critical hits made with a Vital Strike attack deals 5d8 Con drain.
+26: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack six times and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. Vital Strike attacks deal an additional six points of damage per die. In addition the critical modifier of the weapon used in the Vital Strike is sextupled. Any critical hits made with a Vital Strike attack deals 6d10 Con drain.
+30: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack seven times and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. Vital Strike attacks deal an additional seven points of damage per die. In addition the critical modifier of the weapon used in the Vital Strike is septupled. Any critical hits made with a Vital Strike attack deals 7d12 Con drain.
Weapon Finesse
You are incredibly deft with a blade
Prerequisite(s): None
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+0: You may use your Dexterity Modifier instead of your Strength modifier for calculating your melee attack bonus.
+1: You may use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier for calculating your melee damage.
+6: You may use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier when attempting a combat maneuver.
+11: Once per turn, when an opponent is struck, you may take an attack of opportunity on that opponent.
Weapon Focus Feats
Weapon Focus (Improvised Weapon)
You are extremely skilled in wielding whatever you can find
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: You do not suffer any penalties for using an improvised melee weapon. The improvised weapon has a critical threat range of 19–20, with a critical multiplier of ×2. Additionally, improvised weapons deal damage as if they were one size category larger.
+6: You may deal one point of hit point damage to the improvised weapon as a swift action, changing its damage type and adding an additional die to its damage. The damage type changes in the following pattern; Bludgeoning to Slashing, Slashing to Piercing, and Piercing to Bludgeoning. The additional damage dice gained in this process are lost if the weapon is ever repaired. Additionally, improvised weapons you wield are treated as having double the normal number of hit points. Furthermore, improvised weapons deal damage as if they were another one size category larger.
+11: Improvised weapons are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, and picking things up during combat is now a nonaction. Additionally, improvised weapons now have a critical threat range of 18-20 and a critical multiplier of x3. Furthermore, improvised weapons deal damage as if they were another one size category larger.
+16: When successfully hitting an enemy, you may decide to break your weapon to deal additional damage. In exchange for giving the improvised weapon the broken condition, you may make the attack a critical hit. This cannot be done with weapons that already have the broken condition. Additionally, improvised weapons deal damage as if they were another one size category larger.
+21: You may remove the broken condition from an improvised weapon as a swift action, restoring it to its full hit points as if casting Make Whole. Additionally, improvised weapons you wield are treated as having triple the normal number of hit points. Furthermore, improvised weapons deal damage as if they were another one size category larger.
+26: Attacks made with improvised weapons are considered Epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally, improvised weapons now have a critical threat range of 17-20 and a critical multiplier of x4. Furthermore, improvised weapons deal damage as if they were another one size category larger.
+30: When breaking the improvised weapon in order to force a critical hit, you may add all of the improvised weapon’s remaining hit points to the damage of the attack as a competence bonus. Additionally, improvised weapons now have a critical threat range of 16-20 and a critical multiplier of x5. Furthermore, improvised weapons deal damage as if they were another two size categories larger.
Weapon Focus (Natural Attacks)
Be it claws, teeth, or tail; you are a deadly beast
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: Damage dealt by your selected natural attack deals an additional point of bleed damage. Additionally, you increase the damage dice of your natural attack by one step. Additionally, your selected natural attacks now have a critical threat range of 19-20 with a critical multiplier of x3.
+6: Whenever using your selected natural attack, you may make an additional attack for each attack you would normally be capable of. Additionally, you increase the damage dice of your natural attack by one step. Furthermore, if they are not already, the selected natural attack becomes a primary natural attack.
+11: Whenever using your selected natural attack, you gain the pounce ability. Additionally, you increase the damage dice of your natural attack by one step. Additionally, your selected natural attacks now have a critical threat range of 18-20 with a critical multiplier of x4.
+16: Your selected natural attack gains the rend ability. Additionally, your selected natural attacks now have a critical threat range of 17-20 with a critical multiplier of x5. Furthermore, you increase the damage dice of your natural attack by one step.
+21: The bleed damage dealt by your selected natural attacks is now equal to the damage dealt by the natural attack. Additionally, you increase the damage dice of your natural attack by one step. Furthermore, whenever activating the rend ability with your selected natural attack, you may gain an additional attack as if using the rake ability.
+26: Whenever using your selected natural attack, you may make an additional attack for each attack you would normally be capable of. Additionally, your selected natural attacks now have a critical threat range of 16-20 with a critical multiplier of x6. Furthermore, you increase the damage dice of your natural attack by one step.
+30: Whenever your selected natural attack deals damage to an enemy, that enemy is subject to a targeted dispel check, as if using Dispel Magic, using the damage dealt as the dispel check. Additionally, you increase the damage dice of your natural attack by two steps. Furthermore, your selected natural attacks now have a critical threat range of 15-20 with a critical multiplier of x7.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, it applies to a new natural attack.
Weapon Focus (Scythe)
You are extremely skilled in wielding a scythe
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1, Proficiency with scythes
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: When you kill an opponent, your movement speeds increase by 10ft, and you gain an additional attack at your highest Base Attack Bonus for the rest of your turn. Additionally, you may perform a coup de grace as a swift action.
+6: When wielding a scythe, you no longer take a penalty to attack rolls when using Power Attack. Additionally, you may increase your reach with scythes by 5ft. Furthermore, you become immune to effects that deal with souls, and gain resistance to Negative Energy damage equal to your Base Attack Bonus. Lastly, you no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when performing a coup de grace.
+11: Whenever you deal damage to an opponent using Power Attack with a scythe, you deal bleed damage equal to your Base Attack Bonus. Additionally, you now gain a 20ft increase to all of your speeds when you kill an opponent, and you gain two additional attacks at your highest Base Attack Bonus for the rest of your turn.
+16: Whenever you kill an opponent, you add their remaining lifespan to your own, extending the point at which you would die from old age by the remaining time the opponent had left. Additionally, you may increase your reach with scythes by an additional 5ft. Furthermore, scythes that you wield now have a critical threat range of 19-20 with a critical multiplier of x5. Lastly, you gain immunity to Negative Energy damage.
+21: Whenever killing an opponent, you gain temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage they took in excess of the amount required to kill them. These temporary hit points stack with themselves but not with temporary hit points from other sources. Additionally, you now gain a 30ft increase to all of your speeds when you kill an opponent, and you gain three additional attacks at your highest Base Attack Bonus for the rest of your turn. Furthermore, when killing an opponent, you radiate an aura similar to an antimagic field, with a caster level equal to your Base Attack bonus. This aura lasts for one round, however the duration of this effect may be extended by killing more opponents. This effect does not affect you or the items you are holding. Lastly, you gain immunity to Negative Levels and are treated as an Undead for the purposes of taking Negative Energy damage.
+26: Whenever you kill an opponent, you gain a permanent +1 to hit and damage with scythes. You lose your current bonus if you ever die. Additionally, scythes that you wield now have a critical threat range of 18-20 with a critical multiplier of x6. Furthermore, you increase your reach with scythes by an additional 10ft. Lastly, you gain a fly speed of 120ft. If you already have a fly speed that is slower, increase that fly speed to 120ft.
+30: Whenever killing an opponent, you now gain temporary hit points equal to their maximum health. These temporary hit points stack with themselves but not with temporary hit points from other sources. Additionally, you now gain an increase to all of your speeds equal to your highest movement speed when you kill an opponent, and you gain six additional attacks at your highest Base Attack Bonus for the rest of your turn. Furthermore, you gain the ability to use the Shinigami’s Destroy Soul ability as a free action at will. Lastly, your critical multiplier with scythes increases to x7.
Weapon Focus (Shuriken)
You are extremely skilled in wielding shuriken
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: When wielding shuriken, you may make an additional attack for every attack you may normally be allowed, so long as that attack is with a shuriken. Additionally, If you hit an enemy with a shuriken, you deal damage normally and can make a second attack at the same base attack bonus against a target within one range increment of the first. You determine cover for this attack from the first target’s space instead of your space. You may only ricochet your attack once, and you cannot deal damage to an enemy more than once with the same shuriken. Furthermore, shuriken you wield now deal 5 base damage (instead of 1d2), and have a range increment of 30ft.
+6: You may ricochet your attacks any number of times, so long as the targets are within one range increment of the previous enemy. You still may not damage an enemy more than once with the same shuriken. Additionally, you may choose to embed your shuriken in an enemy instead of letting them ricochet, and each shuriken embedded in this way causes 1 point of bleed damage per round until removed. Furthermore, shuriken you wield now deal 7 base damage, and have a range increment of 60ft.
+11: When wielding shuriken, you may now make two additional attacks for every attack you are normally allowed, so long as those attacks are with shuriken. Additionally, your attacks with shuriken ignore cover. Furthermore, shuriken you wield now deal 10 base damage, and have a range increment of 120ft.
+16: Any precision-based dice damage dealt in addition to the shuriken’s damage is maximized. Additionally, shuriken you wield now deal 13 base damage damage, and have a range increment of 240ft. Furthermore, shuriken that you wield now have a critical threat range of 19-20 with a critical multiplier of x3.
+21: When wielding shuriken, you may now make three additional attacks for every attack you are normally allowed, so long as those attacks are with shuriken. Additionally, the bleed damage caused by embedded shuriken increases to 5. Furthermore, shuriken you wield now deal 16 base damage, and have a range increment of 360ft.
+26: When wielding shuriken, you may now make four additional attacks for every attack you are normally allowed, so long as those attacks are with shuriken. Additionally, embedded shuriken reduce all movement speeds of the enemy by 5ft each. Furthermore, shuriken you wield now deal 20 base damage, and have a range increment of 480ft. Lastly, shuriken that you wield now have a critical threat range of 18-20 with a critical multiplier of x4.
+30: When wielding shuriken, you may now make five additional attacks for every attack you are normally allowed, so long as those attacks are with shuriken. Additionally, whenever a shuriken deals damage to an enemy, that enemy is subject to a targeted dispel check, as if using Dispel Magic, using the damage dealt as the dispel check. Furthermore, any precision damage dealt in addition to the shuriken’s damage is doubled. Lastly, shuriken you wield now deal 25 base damage, and have a range increment of 1000ft.
Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain)
Your deftness with a chain is unmatched
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: You treat a spiked chain as a one-handed martial weapon for all purposes. You can still choose to wield a spiked chain as a two-handed weapon, and if you do so, your foes are denied their Dexterity bonus to their CMD against your trip or grapple checks. Additionally, you may attach a weapon to the end of your spiked chain, and act as if you are wielding the attached weapon, but using the reach of the spiked chain. When using the chain in this way, you lose the ability to make combat maneuvers with the chain unless the attached weapon may also make those combat maneuvers. Furthermore, the reach of spiked chains you wield increases by 10ft. The reach of a spiked chain is still limited by the total length of the chain.
+6: When wielding a spiked chain, you may add its enhancement bonus to your AC as a shield bonus. When taking a total defense action, you may double this bonus. Additionally, you can use the spiked chain to grasp onto a point within its reach, using 5 feet of your chain as if it were a grappling hook, allowing you to use the rest of your chain to swing on. Furthermore, the reach of spiked chains you wield increases by 10ft.
+11: When making attacks with your spiked chain, you may treat it as if you are making an unarmed strike for the purposes of effects that require you to deliver them through unarmed strikes (such as Stunning Fist). Additionally, when making an attack with a spiked chain, you may choose to take an amount of nonlethal damage in order to impose a penalty on concentration checks for the creature you hit with the chain equal to the amount of nonlethal damage taken. If you are immune to nonlethal damage, you take lethal damage instead. The penalty is a pain effect. Furthermore, the reach of spiked chains you wield increases by 25ft.
+16: When wielding a spiked chain, you cannot be disarmed, and the chain cannot be sundered. Additionally, spiked chains that you wield now have a critical threat range of 19-20 with a critical multiplier of x3. Furthermore, the reach of spiked chains you wield increases by 50ft.
+21: When wielding a spiked chain, you may make a combat maneuver against creatures you successfully damage with the chain as a free action. Additionally, you automatically succeed any checks related to repositioning yourself using the spiked chain. Furthermore, the reach of spiked chains you wield increases by 100ft.
+26: Ranged attacks passing through your threatened area provoke Attacks of Opportunity. If you successfully exceed the attack roll of the ranged attack you may catch the projectile, stopping the attack. As a free action, you may then throw the projectile back at its place of origin, making an attack roll with your spiked chain in place of the ranged attack roll. The damage dealt by this attack is equal to the damage of the projectile plus your Dexterity modifier. Additionally, spiked chains that you wield now have a critical threat range of 18-20 with a critical multiplier of x4. Furthermore, the reach of spiked chains you wield increases by 300ft.
+30: Spells passing through your threatened area provoke Attacks of Opportunity. If your attack roll exceeds the opposed spellcraft check from the caster, you may attack and dispel the spell. Alternatively, you may throw the spell back, as if using Spell Turning. Furthermore, the reach of spiked chains you wield is only limited by the length of the chain.
Weapon Focus (Sword Cane)
You can effortlessly balance etiquette with execution
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1, Proficiency with sword canes
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: You may add the enhancement bonus of your sword cane to the following; Initiative rolls, Bluff checks, Disguise checks, and Diplomacy Checks. Additionally, the sword cane cannot be detected as a weapon unless revealed or viewed in a way that can see through the external material of the cane into the interior. Furthermore even a magically imbued sword cane bears no aura.
+6: On your turn while wielding a sword cane, you may elect not to take one of your attacks. At any time before your next turn, you may attempt to parry an attack against you or an adjacent ally as an immediate action. To parry the attack, you make an attack roll, using the same bonuses as the attack you chose to forego during your previous action. If your attack roll is greater than the roll of the attacking creature, the attack automatically misses. You must declare the use of this ability after the attack is announced, but before the roll is made.
+11: The first attack made with a sword cane that was previously concealed is considered a critical threat if it successfully hits. This ability may be used once per combat.
+16: You may choose to forgo any number of attacks on your turn for the sake of parrying, expending Attacks of Opportunity instead of Immediate Actions to parry attacks. Additionally, sword canes that you wield now have a critical threat range of 19-20 with a critical multiplier of x3.
+21: A number of times per day equal to your dexterity modifier, you may attempt to feint or disarm a creature with a lower BAB bonus than you as a free action. You must be wielding a sword cane in order to take this action. Additionally, the first round in which a sword cane is revealed to be a weapon, all successful attacks are considered critical hits. This ability may be used once per combat.
+26: All precision damage dealt with a sword cane is maximized. Additionally, sword canes that you wield now have a critical threat range of 18-20 with a critical multiplier of x4.
+30: All attacks against creatures who were fooled by the sword cane’s appearance are considered critical hits, which ignore all defensive abilities. Additionally, whenever your sword cane deals damage to an enemy, that enemy is subject to a targeted dispel check, as if using Dispel Magic, using the damage dealt as the dispel check. Furthermore, all precision damage dealt with a sword cane is doubled.
Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff)
Your skill with a quarterstaff is legendary
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: When wielding a quarterstaff, the damage when used in an off hand is identical to the damage when used in the main hand. Additionally, whenever damaging anything with a quarterstaff, you may cause an equivalent amount of knockback to the damage dealt. Furthermore, your reach with quarterstaves increases by 5ft.
+6: Once per round, as a free action, you may use the quarterstaff to make an acrobatics check, applying its enhancement bonus to the roll, and can move a number of feet in a direction of your choosing equal to the result of the roll. Additionally, whenever dealing damage with a quarterstaff, you may make a trip attempt as a free action. Furthermore, your reach with quarterstaves increases by 5ft.
+11: For each attack you would normally be able to make with a quarterstaff, you are able to make one additional attack with the same attack bonus. Additionally, whenever causing knockback with a quarterstaff, you may move with the victim of the knockback as a free action. Furthermore, your reach with quarterstaves increases by 5ft.
+16: Whenever targeted with a ranged attack, you may make an attack as an immediate action. If this attack exceeds the attack roll from the ranged attack, you may redirect the ranged attack to anywhere within the total attack range of the ranged attack. Additionally, quarterstaves that you wield now have a critical threat range of 19-20 with a critical multiplier of x3. Furthermore, your reach with quarterstaves increases by 5ft.
+21: For each attack you would normally be able to make with a quarterstaff, you are now able to make one more additional attack with the same attack bonus, to a total of two additional attacks per attack with this feat. Additionally, whenever forcing a creature to impact a wall or floor with knockback using a quarterstaff, the creature must make a fortitude save (DC equals total knockback dealt) or be stunned for one round. Usage of this ability on an already stunned creature extends the duration of the stun by another round in the event that they fail their save. Furthermore, your reach with quarterstaves increases by 5ft.
+26: Whenever targeted with a spell, you may make an attack as an immediate action. If this attack exceeds the attack roll from the spell, or the save DC for the spell, the spell is affected as if by spell turning. Additionally, quarterstaves that you wield now have a critical threat range of 18-20 with a critical multiplier of x4. Furthermore, your reach with quarterstaves increases by 5ft.
+30: Whenever your quarterstaff deals damage to an enemy, that enemy is subject to a targeted dispel check, as if using Dispel Magic, using the damage dealt as the dispel check. Additionally, all knockback dealt by your quarterstaves are doubled. Furthermore, your reach with quarterstaves increases by 15ft.
Weapon Focus (Rapier)
You are extremely skilled in wielding a rapier
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: You may add the enhancement bonus of your rapier to the following; Initiative rolls, Reflex saves, Bluff checks, and Dodge bonus to AC.
+6: On your turn while wielding a rapier, you may elect not to take one of your attacks. At any time before your next turn, you may attempt to parry an attack against you or an adjacent ally as an immediate action. To parry the attack, you make an attack roll, using the same bonuses as the attack you chose to forego during your previous action. If your attack roll is greater than the roll of the attacking creature, the attack automatically misses. You must declare the use of this ability after the attack is announced, but before the roll is made.
+11: You may make an attack of opportunity with a rapier against any creature whose attack you have successfully parried, so long as the creature you are attacking is within reach. Additionally any precision damage dealt with your rapier is doubled.
+16: You may choose to forgo any number of attacks on your turn for the sake of parrying, expending Attacks of Opportunity instead of Immediate Actions to parry attacks. Additionally, rapiers that you wield now have a critical threat range of 17-20 with a critical multiplier of x3
+21: A number of times per day equal to your dexterity modifier, you may feint or disarm a creature with a lower BAB bonus than you as a swift action. You must be wielding a rapier in order to take this action.
+26: If your parry roll fails to exceed the contesting roll, you may roll damage for your rapier attack and subtract that damage from the damage the creature deals with their attack (to a minimum of 0). Additionally, rapiers that you wield now have a critical threat range of 16-20 with a critical multiplier of x4
+30: Attacks made with your rapier are made against Touch AC. Additionally, any precision damage dealt with your rapier is tripled.
Weapon Focus (Whip)
You are extremely skilled in wielding a whip
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: You no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when attacking with a whip. You can deal lethal damage with a whip, although you can still deal nonlethal damage when you want. Also, you can deal damage with a whip despite a creature’s armor bonus or natural armor bonus. Additionally, you never drop a whip due to a failed disarm or trip combat maneuver. Furthermore, you gain the ability to use the grapple and reposition combat maneuvers using your whip. Additionally, your reach with a whip increases by 5ft.
+6: While wielding a whip, you threaten the area in which you can make an attack. You can also use a whip to grasp an unattended Small or Tiny object within your whip’s reach and pull that object into your square. To do so, you must hit AC 10 with a melee touch attack. further, you can use the whip to grasp onto an object within your whip’s reach, using 5 feet of your whip as if it were a grappling hook, allowing you to use the rest of your whip to swing on like a rope. As a free action, you can release the object your whip is grasping, but you cannot use the whip to attack while the whip is grasping an object. Additionally, when you score a critical hit with a whip, you can immediately attempt a grapple check using the whip without provoking an attack of opportunity. Furthermore, so long as you maintain the grapple with your whip, you can maintain the grapple on your opponent as a swift action.
+11: Your reach with a whip increases by an additional 5ft. Additionally, when you successfully reposition an opponent with your whip, its movement does not need to remain within your reach, and once the opponent leaves your reach during this maneuver, its remaining movement must be in a straight line. Furthermore, you may attempt combat maneuvers in place of attacks whenever you make Attacks of Opportunity.
+16: Whenever you grapple an opponent using a whip, you do not gain the grappled condition. If you successfully grapple an opponent with a whip and pull them adjacent to you, you can make an attack against that creature as a free action, Additionally, whips that you wield now have a critical threat range of 19-20 with a critical multiplier of x3. Additionally, your reach with a whip increases by an additional 5ft.
+21: When dealing damage to an enemy with a whip, you also deal half of that damage again as sonic damage in a 15ft radius around the enemy. Enemies damaged by this sonic damage must make a Fortitude save (DC is equal to 10+BAB+Your Dex Modifier) or be Stunned. If the enemy successfully makes the save, they are instead Staggered. Additionally, your reach with a whip increases by an additional 5ft.
+26: Ranged attacks passing through your threatened area provoke Attacks of Opportunity. If you successfully exceed the attack roll of the ranged attack you may catch the projectile, stopping the attack. As a free action, you may then throw the projectile back at its place of origin, making an attack roll with your whip in place of the ranged attack roll. The damage dealt by this attack is equal to the damage of the projectile plus your Dexterity modifier. Additionally, whips that you wield now have a critical threat range of 18-20 with a critical multiplier of x4. Furthermore, your reach with a whip increases by an additional 5ft.
+30: Spells passing through your threatened area provoke Attacks of Opportunity. If your attack roll exceeds the opposed spellcraft check from the caster, you may attack and dispel the spell. Alternatively, you may throw the spell back, as if using Spell Turning. Additionally, your reach with a whip increases by an additional 10ft.
Religious Feats
Deific / Demonic Obedience
Prerequisite(s): Alignment within one step of your worshiped deity
Benefit(s): If you perform an action that pleases your patron, you gain a permanent +1 Divine or Profane bonus to an ability score of your choosing. Every time you receive this bonus, the requirements for getting another become more difficult. The patron may revoke this boon at any time.
Special: A Polytheist Paladin may select this feat multiple times, each time selecting a new patron it applies to.
Way of the Repentia
Divine Ordinance has eschewed your need for armor
Prerequisite(s): Cha 20, Worshiper of Allura, Delmae, or Leonni
Benefit: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+1: You gain a luck bonus to your AC equal to your Charisma bonus when not wearing armor.
+6: Your Charisma bonus is treated as double against creatures that find you attractive.
+11: You gain DR /— equal to your Charisma bonus.
+16: Your Charisma bonus is treated as triple against creatures that find you attractive.
+21: You gain Fast Healing equal to your Charisma bonus.
+26: Your Charisma bonus is treated as quadruple against creatures that find you attractive.
+30: Your Charisma bonus is treated as quintuple against creatures that find you attractive. Additionally, all creatures of a lesser BAB than you are considered attracted to you.
Special: Anyone who does not find you attractive may ignore this effect, as do creatures with an Intelligence of less than 3. For the purposes of this feat, you are considered attracted to yourself.
Skill Feats
Master Alchemist
Your resourcefulness is unmatched
Prerequisite(s): Craft (Alchemy) (1 rank)
Benefit: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Craft (Alchemy).
1 rank: The Save DC’s for Alchemical Items you use are equal to 10 + your Ranks in Craft (Alchemy) + your Int modifier. Additionally you Craft Alchemical Items ten times faster.
4 ranks: When using an Alchemical Item, you may now use an additional Alchemical Item with the same action, such as bundling together a Tanglefoot Bag and a Burst Jar into one thrown attack.
9 ranks: You may add your Intelligence modifier to die rolls associated with Alchemical Items. Additionally you may craft mundane Alchemical Items as a standard action.
14 ranks: When using an Alchemical Item, you may now use two additional Alchemical Items with the same action, such as bundling together a Tanglefoot Bag, an Alchemist’s Fire and a Burst Jar into one thrown attack.
19 ranks: All numerical aspects of Alchemical Items you use are maximized. Additionally, you may craft any Alchemical Item as a swift action.
All those years of saving the princess finally paid off. Too bad that the princess was always in another castle
Prerequisite(s): Acrobatics (1 rank)
Benefit: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Acrobatics
1 rank: You may use Dexterity or Strength for Acrobatics checks instead of only Dexterity. You gain the Acrobatics skill as a class skill for all your classes if you don't have it. Your land speed does not hinder your Acrobatics checks.
4 ranks: You gain the Hyperjump ability and the distance you can cover with your jumps is double your land speed.
9 ranks: You gain the ability to wall-jump. You may jump on a wall and use it as a platform to make another jump which moves you away from the wall. You chain these jumps to climb up, or descend, two near enough walls. You also gain the ability to wall-run. So long as you end your turn on a valid surface that can support you, you are able to run along walls as if they were normal ground.
14 ranks: You gain the Double Jump ability. You make the second jump as a swift action. Your ability to wall-jump allows you to recover your double jump. The distance you cover with your jump is not limited anymore by your land speed. You also inflict 1d6 of extra damage per each 10 points of the Acrobatics check result on the first attack you make landing after a jump.
19 ranks: You gain a Jump Speed equal to your land speed (or swim speed, if higher). All the limitations above mentioned apply to your jump speed.
Special: All of these abilities are extraordinary abilities.
Catsuit Thief
Prerequisite(s): Stealth (1 rank), Charisma score of 13 or more.
Benefit: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Stealth
1 rank: You gain a masterwork reinforced jumpsuit for free, any mundane modification (such as material or item template) you make on it is at half price and you gain a 20% discount on enhancing it. You gain exotic armor proficiency with it and can don and undon it as move action. If it is ever lost or destroyed you can reacquire it by spending 8 hours crafting, searching or doing other stuff relevant to the situation, doing so cost 100 gold pieces in material and resource used. You may treat the jumpsuit as non-armor if it is beneficial to you.
3 ranks: You are quite the extraordinary thief, while wearing your suit you do not leave any track as pass without trace and you are under the effect of spider climb as a constant ability, you can resume or suppress both ability as a free action
8 ranks: You have a powerful thief sense, you can use locate object as spell-like ability at will on an object you researched for at least 8 hours. Additionally your suit's magical ability increases, you can use passwall as a spell-like ability 2/day with the exception that you do not leave a 'door' behind, making the duration effectively instantaneous.
15 ranks: You are a master thief no matter the clothes, magical effects are unable to perceive you, so a contingent effect such as a glyph of warding will not activate in your presence. Additionally you gain an automatic find the path for 24 hours effect on any objects you successfully used your locate object spell-like ability on.
Skill Focus Feats
Skill Focus (Heal)
You are an incredibly skilled healer
Prerequisite(s): Heal (1 rank)
Benefit: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Heal
1 rank: Whenever making a Heal check, you may restore a number of hit points to the subject of the Heal check equal to half of the result. Additionally, if it is not already, Heal becomes a class skill.
4 ranks: Whenever making a Heal check, if the check exceeds 20, the target of the Heal check gains Fast Healing 1 until their hit points are above half of their hit point maximum.
9 ranks: Whenever making a Heal check, you may restore a number of hit points to the subject of the Heal check equal to the result.
14 ranks: Whenever making a Heal check, you may end any ongoing ailments or spell effects if your Heal check exceeds the save DC of the effect. Additionally, you may take a 10 on Heal checks at any time.
19 ranks: Whenever making a Heal check, if the check exceeds 20, the target of the Heal check gains Fast Healing 1 until their hit points are at their maximum. If the check exceeds 10, the target of the Heal check gains Fast Healing 1 until their hit points are above half of their hit point maximum.
You’re a professional, and professionals have standards
Prerequisite(s): Profession (1 rank)
Benefit: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Profession
1 rank: Whenever making a Profession check, you gain a number of gold pieces from the Profession check equal to half of the result from working for a day.
4 ranks: If applicable, you may substitute a Profession check for any other skill check where your background in your profession could conceivably help you.
9 ranks: Whenever making a Profession check, you gain a number of gold pieces from the Profession check equal to the result from working for a day.
14 ranks: You are able to identify other workers of your profession with no check necessary, and their attitude towards you always starts off as Friendly if you have had no previous interactions. Additionally, you are able to take a 10 at any time on Profession Checks at any time.
19 ranks: Whenever making a Profession check, you gain a number of gold pieces from the Profession check equal to ten times the result from working for a day.
Special: This feat may be taken more than once. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different profession.